About Us

Mary B’s® is proud to provide customers with traditional dumplings and homestyle biscuits. Available in your grocery store’s freezer section, our products are made with fresh flavor and convenience in mind. Pick up a package and enjoy them today!

Our Mission

Our mission is to constantly strive to provide customers with the highest quality products at competitive prices, while maintaining a consistently high level of customer service. This is accomplished by providing the highest quality assurance and an individual approach to customer care.

Our History

In 1984, Mary B’s® was founded by Howard Burris, launching their famous Open Kettle Dumplings. Thirteen years later, in 1997, the Mary B’s® brand expanded to include frozen biscuits. Today, Mary B’s® is the standard by which good, old fashioned southern biscuits are measured. The recipe still used today for Mary B’s® Open Kettle Dumplings is a family recipe for old-fashioned, strip-style dumplings and was handed down through several generations.

Our Products

Life gets busy. As much as you’d love to give your family scratch-made meals every night, sometimes there just isn’t time. Whether you’re a single parent, a working mom, or just someone with a packed schedule, Mary B’s® is made with your needs in mind. Our flavorful, homestyle biscuits provide the satisfying comfort food you want, without the effort it typically takes. Despite the time demands of modern life, bring old fashioned flavors to your kitchen easily and have a meal ready in no time.